There was a German, and a Frenchman, a Doctor and a Lawyer that went hunting together. They had a wonderful day hunting and enjoying the outdoors. That evening, they were sitting around the campfire being merry and have discussions about their day hunting.

The German, with much pride, pulled out his side arm, took the last gulp of his beer, threw the empty bottle into the air and shot it. He then yelled, "Deutchland uba olavus." (This means "Germany Over All" and don't hold me to spelling of those German words).

Then the Frenchman, with the same strong pride, pulled out his side arm, took the last gulp of his wine, threw the empty bottle into the air and shot it. He then yelled, "Viva la Francis." (Don't hold me to spelling of these words either).

The Doctor, feeling the strong pride of the German and Frenchman, pulled out his side arm, took the last gulp of his Old Milwaukee, threw the empty can into the air and then shot the Lawyer dead. He then yelled, "It just doesn't get any better then this."