A man and his wife were out driving one day and came upon a sign at a local airport: "Airplane rides: $10". Out of curiosity, they went up to the pilot, and he invited them to ride in his plane for $10. But the man declined. The pilot, being somewhat of a huckster said: "I will give you the ride free, if you sit back there and say nothing during my entire flight. But if you speak, you pay me the $10." The man thought he could do that, so he and his wife got into the back seat together.

Off they went, with the pilot giving them his entire aerobatic routine. They did loops, outside loops, snap rolls, split "S's" Immelman turns, even Lomcevaks, but not a word from the backseat.

When they landed, the pilot hopped out, grinning and said to the man, "Well, sir, you did very well, you sat back there during my extreme aerobatic routine and didn't say a word." Whereupon the man said: "Well, I almost did, when Mable fell out."