Cowboy approaches Indian tending flock of sheep; asks permission to stop and rest. Permission granted. He then asks the Indian if he could speak to his dog. The Indian replies, "Dog no talk." The cowboy says he'd like to try anyway. He asks the dog how things are going. The dog replies, " Things are great. My master feeds me well, always has bones for me, and plays catch whenever I want. All in all, it's a fine life."

The Indian is shocked. When the cowboy then asks to speak to his horse, all he can say is, "Horse no talk." The cowboy says he'd like to try anyway, and asks the horse how things are going. The horse replies, " Things are great. My master doesn't hobble me, so I have the run of the place. He feeds me well, giving me even more oats than he should. He brushes me every day. All in all, it's a fine life."
Again, the Indian is shocked. When the cowboy asks to speak to the sheep, the Indian responds, "Sheep lie.