An eight year old boy was riding his bicycle in Montgomery, Alabama when he saw his friend being attacked by a large pit bulldog. The boy jumped off his bike, ran and jumped on the dog's back. After prying the vicious animal's teeth from his young friend's body, he put the dog in a choke hold and held on until the dog was dead. The local newspaper editor happened to witness this feat and after calling for an ambulance on his cell phone, ran over to the young hero and said, "Son, that was one of the bravest things I have ever seen. You're going to make tomorrow's headlines. It will read: Crimson Tide Fan is Hero-Risks His Life & Saves Young Friend From Vicious Pit Bull Attack'".

The youngster said "that's nice, but I'm not a Crimson Tide fan,"`````` The editor said "O.K., then it will read Auborn fan saves young friend's life in pit-bull attack". The young man said, "But I'm not a Auborn fan." The editor thought for a moment and then replied, "Oh, ok, it will read Troy State fan saves friend's life." One again the young man interrupted saying, "I'm not a Troy State fan either." The editor becoming somewhat irritated asked "Then who is your favorite team?" The kid replied with a big smile "L.S.U."

The next morning the local newspaper headlines read: "BELOVED FAMILY PET MURDERED BY LITTLE COONASS BASTARD."