Family and friends,

While standing in line for an hour and a half, after having made an appointment, I found myself in conversation with other disgruntled standees. I offered the observation regarding the DMV that we were in a real "SNAFU." I got four blank responses and had to explain the WWII origin of acronym and its meaning, "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up." They thought it appropriate.

SNAFU is in the dictionary-fouled up. However, two other great ones TARFU and FUBAR seemingly did not survive the war. They are as appropriate today as they were 55 years ago.

Examples: If I ask Kallissa how the casting problem for her new show was coming along, she might answer "TARFU" or Things are really fucked up," Ask the NATO commander in Kosovo how its going and he might reply, FUBAR" Fucked up beyond all recognition.

Come 2000 and the YK2 problems and we all may be saying either TARFU or FUBAR.

And Ah yes, remember them well and used them often. Here's one I believe I originated in the mid-60's, while I was trying to teach Japanese technicians, how to measure pressure, using a 36" mercury filled manometer...................... UNFUB! "UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE!"

Ever the wordsmith.................... Paul

Ever the historian, WVM